Write to Your MP on Proposals for Assisted Suicide in the UK


The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill is being pushed through parliament at a breakneck pace, but most people remain unaware that this proposal, being scrutinised by just a tiny number of MPs, would bring profound change to our society.

The bill promises a very narrow and restricted aim: individual choice in the last months of life for those already dying. However, The Other Half and many experts believe the bill will impact extremely vulnerable groups and now contains alarming gaps in protection. The Other Half is deeply concerned that women and those they care for will face the worst impacts.

We want you to write to your MP to express your concerns, and to invite them to Jess Asato MP’s event on safeguarding women in assisted dying, with speakers including from The Other Half. Your MP can get the details from Jess Asato’s team.

Find your MP’s contact details

Safeguarding concerns have been disregarded

People with eating disorders face proven risk

  • Current evidence: More than 60 women with anorexia have had their lives ended through lethal drugs worldwide, even in places requiring a terminal illness diagnosis for assisted suicide.

  • Chance to protect was lost: The bill committee has voted against including specific protections for women with eating disorders

  • Dangerous precedent: In the UK, anorexia is sometimes already referred to as 'terminal', which means two doctors could potentially approve assisted suicide for people with this condition

Children can be approached about assisted suicide

  • Deeply troubling: The current bill permits doctors to introduce the idea of assisted suicide to children, although the formal process for death would begin once they are 18.

  • Protection voted down: MPs on the committee have rejected amendments that would prevent this practice and safeguard children and their parents

Domestic abuse victims will die by this bill

We will all be affected by this bill - and some particularly so

  • Important voices are being ignored: Women from ethnic minority backgrounds who have experienced domestic abuse have shared that they feel scared rather than empowered by this legislation

  • People with learning disabilities and autism are vulnerable to coercion: MPs rejected the chance to introduce protections for those with learning disabilities, autism, and Down’s Syndrome.

Our society should not agree with those who wish to die through feeling a 'burden'

  • Troubling motivation: In places where assisted dying is already legal, feeling like a 'burden' is cited as a legitimate reason for requesting suicide

  • Concerning trend: 30-50% of people in the US, Canada, and Australian states report this as their motivation.

MPs outside of the committee need to hear from us

If these gaps in safeguards alarm you, here’s how to make your voice heard:

Contact your MP today – don't wait until the bill progresses further.

Listen to our podcast concerning a legislative process that has been described as 'shocking'.

Read our safeguarding report