New project - June 2024

It's widely acknowledged that the UK is in the grip of a housing crisis: rising rents, families in temporary accommodation, a growing number of young people living at home for longer. 

We want to know how the UK's housing crisis has impacted you - especially regarding major life decisions like where you live, where you work, and your thoughts around having children. For example, have you...

  • Put off meeting a partner because you've had to move back in with your parents?

  • Not been able to accept a job because of the cost of moving to work there? 

  • Felt 'stuck' in a relationship because you couldn't afford the rent or mortgage alone? 

Our report will focus on how the cost of housing impacts women's life choices - but we are interested to hear from men, too. 

Please fill our survey in, share it with friends, and help us to push the incoming Government to tackle the housing crisis and its disproportionate impact on women. 

The cost of housing - how this affects life choices