The Other Half is a new centre of research for practical, workable policy in the interests of women. Politics, for the other half of society.

  • Assisted Dying and Women

    Proposals for assisted dying race ahead in the UK. We will all be affected. See all our work on this issue.

  • heartbeat

    Safeguarding Women in Assisted Dying

    A rapid review to support parliament. We look at ‘assisted’ deaths here and abroad, and say assisted dying safeguards must never fail, lest the state risks delivering femicide.

  • mother and baby line drawing

    What do mums want?

    NEW REPORT: Mums told us they want family friendly work, more parenting time (not less) with young children, an economy that allows for care, and a village of support. Much of this is not new, it just now needs to be delivered.  Birth rates have slumped but most young women want children. We must make the UK the best place for them to be a mum.

The Other Half is a non-partisan think tank, based in the UK. We explore policy options that work for women. We will spur mainstream political thinking which builds women’s interests in from the start, considers whole system change, and properly represents the richness and reality of modern life. Our work spans Public Life, Justice, and Mothers, and Others.

Our work.


Mothers & Others

Public Life

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The Other Half is a non profit and we rely on donations for our work. We’re so grateful for your support.